Teen Writing Contest

Our annual Teen Writing Contest happens every spring, spotlighting incredible writing talent from teens across Waterloo Region. Winners are featured in our Inkling magazine.

Check Out Inkling Magazine
Teenage boy holds a backpack with a bright backgound

Submissions are now closed for the 2024 contest.

Thank you to all of the teens who submitted their work to this year’s contest. Judging will take place in May, and winners will be contacted in June. Inkling Magazine will be released online in mid-July.

The details for next year’s contest will be available in Spring 2025.

Cover image of Inkling Magazine - Vol. 4

Inkling Magazine

Each year, our Inkling magazine showcases the top five winners from both the poetry and short story categories of our Teen Writing Contest. Enjoy these original works from talented teens in our community.

Read the Current Volume (Vol. 4)

Past Volumes

Vol. 1 – July 2021
Vol. 2 – July 2022
Vol. 3 – July 2023

Have questions?

If you have questions about the Teen Writing Contest, you can reach out to our teen program leaders, Claire MacFarlane and Ikhlas Hussain at teens@wpl.ca.