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Cantook Libraries
Une collection de livres numérique en français!
Borrow French language eBooks for all ages with Cantook Libraries.
CBC Corner
Enjoy your favourite CBC and Radio-Canada content in one place. Featuring a diverse range of TV and radio programs, news, podcasts and more, with fresh additions daily for an ever-enriching experience
CBC Corner Kids
Enjoy content for children and youth of all ages including tv shows, free online games, fun quizzes and activities, as well as news articles made by kids for kids.
CBC Mauril
Improve your English and French language skills with CBC and Radio-Canada’s audio and video content, tailored for your listening comprehension practice.
Chilton Library
Get the detailed information you need to tackle vehicle maintenance and repairs including step-by-step procedures, vehicle specific information, ASE text prep for popular certification exams, visual supports and more.
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)
Access reliable legal information with Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO), a resource dedicated to helping those facing barriers to justice, including income, disability, literacy, and language challenges.